ETYJ:n raportissa 13.3. kovat taistelut käynnissä Mariupolin lähellä

At 07:15hrs, the SMM heard in Berdianske (government-controlled, 98km south of Donetsk, 18km east of Mariupol) an exchange of small arms fire, originating mostly from easterly and westerly directions, at the south of SMM’s position. It soon became an intensive exchange of fire (both outgoing and incoming), involving mortar, tank, anti-aircraft and heavy machine gun fire. The SMM heard mortar shells, calibres ranging from 120mm to 82mm, being fired from a westerly towards an easterly and north-easterly direction. The SMM heard 15 tank shells fired from a north-easterly direction towards the south-east, the direction of Shyrokyne (“DPR”-controlled, 97km south of Donetsk, 20km east of Mariupol). The outgoing and incoming fire continued until 13:00hrs. The SMM observed two tanks (T-64), located approximately 600m north-east of its position and saw these tanks firing more than 20 rounds into the direction of Shyrokyne.


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